Builder's Log Format
The builder's log will serve as the main body of documentation
throughout the project. The log is arranged
into (mostly) logic sub-projects. Log entries in each sub-project are generally arranged
chronologically, but different sub-projects may overlap or stagger in time.
Each log entry lists the following:
 | YYYY.MM.DD: (time
spent in hours) Description of the task performed, general
notes, problems
and solutions, photographs, diagrams, or any other useful information. |
UPDATE 2007.07.21:
Due to computer issues (piece-of-crap Microsoft FrontPage), I have not
been able to update my log very regularly since I replaced my computer a
few months ago. Work on the plane however has been going forward
steadily. I've attempted to log as much of that work as possible
in summary rather than rigorous day-by-day entries. I now have
FrontPage up and running again, but from here on I'm going to continue
the practice of logging task summaries rather than strictly logging day-by-day. I would much rather spend my time working on the plane
than writing about it on the computer (I work with computers all
day). And the careful logging of number of hours worked, while
trivially interesting, is also otherwise fairly useless. It is not
required by the FAA, and feels too much like doing a timesheet at
work. So no more of that.
Initial Preparation Horizontal Stabilizer Vertical Stabilizer Rudder Elevators Empennage Fiberglass Tips & Fairings Empennage Attachment / Rigging Rudder Cable Exit Fairings Receiving the QuickBuild Kit Forward Cockpit Structure Cockpit Floors and Covers Seat Backs Crotch Strap Kit Cabin Air Cabin Heat Cabin Frame Primary Flight Controls Stick Grips Rudder / Brake Pedals Parking Brake Brake Fluid Reservoir Aileron Trim Flaps Actuator Flaps Position Sensor Fuel System Pitot-Static System OAT Probe Angle of Attack (AoA) Instrument Magnetometer Raising the Fuselage Cabin Steps Main Landing Gear Nose Gear Receiving the Finishing Kit Canopy Frame and Plexiglass Canopy Latch Canopy Support Struts Cockpit Interior Paint Cockpit Upholstery Cockpit & Panel Lighting Wings, Ailerons, Flaps Wing Tips Wing Attachment / Rigging Landing Lights Autopilot Antennas Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) Engine Selection Firewall Prep Engine Prep Fuel Injection Servo Engine Mount Propeller Propeller Governor Exhaust Crankcase Breather Engine Controls Cowling External Power Receptacle Main DC Power Distribution Auxiliary DC Power Distribution Main Alternator Manifold Pressure Plumbing General Notes on Corrosion Protection General Notes on Plumbing General Notes on Wiring General Notes on Composites General Notes on Various Materials Service Bulletins
Van's RV-7/7A parts list (Microsoft