Manifold Pressure Plumbing
Running Total Hours:
 | 2011.08.18: (0.0)
The manifold pressure tap is taken from a port on cylinder no. 3
(right rear of the engine). From there it is plumbed to each of
the two P-Mags and to the MAP sensor on the firewall (forward side,
upper left). Nothing magic about this, but to document some
At the no. 3 cylinder I used a AN840-4D nipple, modified by squeezing
an AN470A6-7 rivet into the nipple end, remove excessive material from
the rivet head, and drilling a small hole through it, just to make a
smaller constriction. The AN840 was then threaded into the
cylinder with Loctite 567 high-temp thread sealant.
From the no. 3 cylinder to the MAP sensor I used 1/2" OD,
1/4" ID, high-temp silicone rubber tubing (McMaster-Carr p/n
5236K882). I secured it to the upper tubes of the engine mount
using MS21919 adel clamps. From this main tube I tee'd off
smaller tubes (1/4" OD, 1/8" ID, p/n 5236K832) to each of
the P-Mags. The reducing tees are McMaster-Carr p/n
5117K33. I also used nylon "Herbie" clips to secure
the tubing at every nipple. These are Aircraft Spruce p/n
05-02695 (1/2") and 05-02698 (1/4").

