Vertical Stabilizer Construction
Start: 2004.01.25, Completion:
2004.09.06, Hours: 40.0
 | 2004.01.25: (0.5)
Marked and center-punched the lightning hole centers on the rear spar
doubler (VS-808PP). Found that the blade of the fly cutter I
just bought (Craftsman 925293 "Wheel and Circle Cutter") is
chipped and will have to be exchanged. Back to horizontal
stabilizer. |
 | 2004.02.18: (1.0)
Cut the five 1.5" lightning holes in the rear spar
doubler (VS-808PP). Used a fly cutter in the drill press with
WD-40 for lubrication/cooling.
 | 2004.02.19: (0.5)
Cut the two 2.0" lightning holes in the rear spar
doubler (VS-808PP). |
 | 2004.02.20: (1.0)
Cleaned up the lightning hole cuts. Started edge finishing the
rest of the VS-808PP. |
 | 2004.02.22: (1.0)
Edge finishing the VS-808PP. Smoothed out the inside cuts of the
"tuning fork" with files. Now rounding over all the
edges. |
 | 2004.02.24: (0.5)
Clecoed together the rear spar assembly (VS-808PP, VS-803PP, VS-410PP,
VS-411PP, VS-412PP) and back-drilled the two missing holes of the top
VS-410PP rudder hinge bracket. |
 | 2004.02.26: (3.0)
Edge finishing the VS-404, VS-405, VS-406, and VS-407 ribs.
Erick came over and lent a hand. |
 | 2004.02.28: (2.0)
More edge finishing... |
 | 2004.07.19: (2.0)
And more edge finishing... ribs done. |
 | 2004.07.24: (3.0)
Edge-finished the spar channels. Straightened/fluted/fitted the
ribs. Clecoed together the understructure. |
 | 2004.07.26: (1.0)
A little more fine-fitting, then final-drilled the spars and
ribs. Did most of the drilling with the skin clecoed on to
prevent any twisting or shifting. |
 | 2004.07.28: (2.0)
Final-drilled the skin to the understructure.
 | 2004.07.29: (1.5)
Disassembled the VS and deburred all the holes. |
 | 2004.08.03: (1.0)
Edge-finished the skin. |
 | 2004.08.04: (1.0)
Dimpled the spar and rib to skin holes. |
 | 2004.08.13: (1.0)
Dimpled/countersunk the lower rear spar channel to spar doubler
holes. Started dimpling the skin.
 | 2004.08.14: (1.0)
Finished dimpling the skin. |
 | 2004.08.17: (0.5)
Studying DWG 27A, I concluded that the lower corner holes of the
bottom hinge bracket do need to be riveted now, during construction of
the VS. There's a comment in the manual to the contrary, but I
concluded that the comment applies to the tail dragger only, not the
-7A. Got confirmation from Van's tech support. Went ahead
and drilled, dimpled, and countersunk the two holes. |
 | 2004.08.28: (7.5)
Cleaned, etched, alodined, and sprayed epoxy sealing primer on the VS spars,
ribs, and inside surface of the skin.

 | 2004.08.30: (2.0)
Riveting the rear spar. |
 | 2004.08.31: (1.0)
Finished riveting the rear spar except for three rivets I couldn't get
to with the squeezer (centers of hinge brackets). Will have to
use the gun.
Riveted the ribs to the front spar and clecoed on the skin.
 | 2004.09.06: (6.0)
Finished riveting the rest of the VS.

